Universidade Paulista - UNIP, has increasingly been acknowledged as an important science production and diffusion center - by means of education, research, extension and post-graduation activities. This way, we seek to broaden our international partnerships envisioning knowledge and experiences exchanges between students of graduation, post-graduation and researchers around the world.
With the purpose of ensuring the juridical coherence and security of internationalization processes, all UNIP's partnership projects are necessarily conducted by the Academic Internationalization Department, together with the graduation, post-graduation, research and administrative team's leaderships.
Primarily, a General Agreement is sealed and secondarily, specific agreements for each academic area of interest are brought to life.
ATTENTION: International Agreements not signed by UNIP's Rector and not endorsed by the Academic Internationalization Area are considered invalid.
Universidade Paulista – UNIP only carries out international partnerships with total exemption from tuition and university fees. From 2022, UNIP no longer holds partnerships to attract students to international institutions or to offer international courses for payment, even with a discount.
To establish a partnership with Universidade Paulista - UNIP, primarily, an International cooperation General Agreement must be realized.
The International Collaboration Proposals must be forwarded to UNIP's Academic Internationalization Area email: internacionalizacaoacademica1@unip.br, with copy to internacionalizacaoacademica2@unip.br
Rectors and or Academic Internationalization Deans of both universities are signers of the Arrangement.
Agreements signed at International Universities must be mailed to: Universidade Paulista - UNIP - Academic Internationalization Area, Vergueiro Street, 1211, 11th floor. Room 1101, Postal Code: 01504-000, São Paulo - Brazil. We request the tracking number to be sent via email to internacionalizacaoacademica1@unip.br, with copy to internacionalizacaoacademica2@unip.br
Specific agreements and / or research collaboration are handled by the Academic Internationalization area in the undergraduate, graduate (master's and doctorate) and research sectors.
The International Collaboration Proposals must be forwarded to UNIP's Academic Internationalization Area email: internacionalizacaoacademica1@unip.br, with copy to internacionalizacaoacademica2@unip.br
Rectors and or Academic Internationalization Deans of both universities are signers of the Arrangement.
Agreements signed at International Universities must be mailed to: Universidade Paulista - UNIP - Academic Internationalization Area, Vergueiro Street, 1211, 11th floor. Room 1101, Postal Code: 01504-000, São Paulo - Brazil. We request the tracking number to be sent via email to internacionalizacaoacademica1@unip.br, with copy to internacionalizacaoacademica2@unip.br
We inform that all international documents related to the selection processes of students, teachers and staff, including the issuance of letters of recommendation, must be sent for approval by the Academic Internationalization Directorate of Universidade Paulista (UNIP).
In order for the student to be approved, it is also necessary to undergo a personal interview and guidance from the Academic Internationalization area.
No nomination document can be issued without the endorsement of UNIP's Academic Internationalization area.
The importance of the above procedure stems from the fact that UNIP has become the largest Brazilian university.