- First PPG-PAE Flow Cytometry Workshop at UNIP
- UNIP and CIRAT sign a Technical Cooperation Agreement
- Students of Nursing and Medicine courses at UCEVA (Colombia) visit UNIP
- Toyota funds research by students of the Master in Environmental and Experimental Pathology at UNIP
- PhD student in Environmental and Experimental Pathology at UNIP goes to Antarctica
- Post-Graduate professor attends international conferences and is awarded in Thailand
- Post-Graduate Course in Environmental and Experimental Pathology presents research in London
- Post-Graduate Professor and students participate in international group book
- UNIP participates in the Eighth Congress of AMVHB
- UNIP Pathology Research at International Symposium
- UNIP Pathology Research at International Symposium
- Environmental Pathology Program at the Third International Homeopathy Conference
- Post-Graduation Professor at UNIP participates of the Integrative Practices Meeting
- Post-Graduation Professor participates in Annual AFVAC Congress
- Research conducted at UNIP are presented in the International Congress in India
- Professor of Postgraduate Program has work approved by FAPESP
- UNIP's Professor participate of the 28th GIRI Symposium in Romania
- UNIP signs an agreement with the Università degli Studi di Verona
- UNIP's Professor wins another 'Teses' Award
- Students of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Environmental and Experimental Pathology of Unip participate in International Meeting
- Student of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Environmental and Experimental Pathology of Unip participates of a Congress in England
- UNIP's Professor orientates the projects presented at international meeting
- UNIP's Professor coordinates International Congress Session
- Postgraduate students participate of International Congress
- UNIP's Master's Degree Student presents thesis in International Congress
- UNIP's Professor gives interview to the journal referred to as ‘Pesquisa FAPESP' and presents work in congress
- UNIP establishes research partnership with universities from Spain and Netherlands
- UNIP's Professor is integrated to the International Group of Studies in Veterinary Mycology
- Scientific Initiation Work is presented in International Congress
- Works of postgraduate and scientific initiation are presented in congress in Switzerland
- Master Program in Veterinary Medicine visits the Brazilian National Laboratory of Synchrotron Light
- Dissertations of UNIP's students are presented at the European Congress of Homeopathy
- UNIP's Professor visits the Turtle Hospital in Florida
- Former Master's Degree student in Veterinary Medicine is interviewed in the TV show referred to as ‘Programa da Eliana'
- Veterinary Students present Scientific Initiation projects in Brazilian Congresses
- Students of Postgraduate in Immunopathology receive Boiron Award
- UNIP's Professor is elected as an executive member of the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO)
- Work of postgraduate student is presented in congress held in Sweden
- Extraction Laboratory of UNIP receives Anvisa's president
- 3rd Congress on Amazon Microbial Diversity and 12th National Meeting of Environmental Microbiology
- 24th Symposium of GIRI
- 14th International Congress of Immunology
- 37th Brazilian Congress of Veterinary Medicine (Conbravet)
- Center for Control and Prevention of Diseases - CDC
- Scientific Meeting - Berlin / Germany
- International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals - 2010
- Icelandic volcano prevents participation of UNIP's team in congress
- 2nd Annual International Congress of Antibodies
- Master's Degree Student of UNIP performs research with vegetal extracts
- Master's degree student participates in the International Congress of IADR
- 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists
- 22nd Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology
- 9th European Meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Disease
- 2nd European Congress of Immunology
- Congress of the Brazilian Society of Immunology
- 14th ENAPAVE
- Transcriptional Mechanisms of Early Lymphocyte Development Symposium
- 25th Brazilian Congress of Microbiology
- Visit at the Wisconsin University
- 4th Trends in Medical Mycology
- Theoretical and Practical Course: Malassezia identification methods. Advances in epidemiology and genomics
- 64th Congress of the World League of Homeopathy
- Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre
- 7th Congress of the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV)
- 4th International Conference on Gene Regulation in Lymphocyte Development
- 6th Latin American Congress of Mycology
- 11th Congress of the Brazilian Association of Wild Animals Veterinarians (ABRAVAS)