The Universidade Paulista has an efficient administrative infrastructure that offers full support for review, didactic organization, monitoring of dissertation and thesis submission deadlines, and other administrative activities. UNIP has a research laboratory structure that supports Postgraduate activities at the Master's and Doctoral levels. In the Postgraduate Program in Administration at UNIP, students and the local academic community can benefit from the Laboratory of Extension and Research in Administration - LEPq.
Laboratory of Extension and Research in Administration - LEPq
The laboratory is equipped with adequate infrastructure for the development of research and studies aimed at students, professors, and researchers of the master's and doctoral programs in Administration at UNIP (PPGA). Additionally, aiming to expand the social and cultural insertion and impact of the PPGA, the LEPq also serves the local community, allowing students from elementary, middle, and higher education levels to use the available equipment and resources. These resources include:
- Two computers with internet access, access to international databases of scientific articles and data, as well as bibliographic reference management and data analysis software;
- Consumable materials (paper, ink, etc.);
- Permanent materials (furniture, equipment, instruments, etc.).
In addition, among the objectives of the LEPq are:
- To provide, primarily, reinforcement classes, tutoring, guidance meetings, academic research, among other related activities;
- To support the development of teaching and research projects related to the master's and doctoral courses in Administration;
- To serve the community without impairing or hindering pedagogical activities;
- To carry out activities established by partnerships and/or agreements of the Postgraduate Program in Administration (PPGA-UNIP) with public or private institutions, national or international, aiming at continuous improvement of teaching and research activities.
The Laboratory of Extension and Research in Administration - LEPq has the support of Universidade Paulista and the resources from the productivity scholarships of its coordinating professors, which are:
Prof. Dr. Marcio Cardoso Machado
Productivity Scholarship in Research 2 - CNPq
Title of the funded project: Diffusion of safety culture among aeronautical maintenance companies: an analysis from the use of social network analysis approach.
Summary: In order to ensure flight safety, aeronautical maintenance companies need to develop planning, coordination, and control processes for maintenance operations because flight safety begins with maintenance safety on the ground. Faced with this challenge, aeronautical maintenance organizations (OMAs) seek practices and tools involved in the implementation of Safety Management Systems (SMS), aiming to reduce risks and ensure airworthiness (measure of the suitability of an aircraft for safe flight). SMS are directly associated with the culture and safety practices, which are developed internally in organizations but are not spontaneously transmitted between them. Although there is extensive scientific literature on safety, few studies have investigated its diffusion among organizations in the same sector. Based on the Theory of Innovation Diffusion, Network Theory, and using a Social Network Analysis approach, this project aims to propose a model for the diffusion of safety in a sector whose application of safety practices has significant impact not only on the results of OMAs' operations but also on society and the government.
Prof. Dr. Victor Silva Corrêa
Productivity Scholarship in Research 2 - CNPq
Title of the funded project: The influence of Reciprocity and Redistribution Immersion on the development of ventures between 3 and 42 months in the state of São Paulo.
Summary: The population of São Paulo can be considered entrepreneurial. According to data from the São Paulo Trade Board (Jucesp), only in 2021 more than 288 thousand companies were established in the state, the highest number recorded since 1998 when the data began to be recorded. In demographic terms, more than six million Paulistas, approximately 14% of the state's population, have businesses between three and 42 months, called new, according to an inference made from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Within this positive data, however, there is still a daunting scenario today. About 1/3 of the enterprises close their activities by the 2nd year of operation, 60% by the 5th year, according to data from Sebrae and IBGE, respectively. This research project fits into the essence of this context. It seeks to investigate how the development of new ventures occurs, expanding the understanding of socio-structural factors, still unexplored by researchers in Administration in Brazil, capable of impacting their development. Literature on immersion and social structures (reciprocity and redistribution) will be used to support the reflections. The research strategy will be qualitative. The empirical units will be formed by companies in the service sector, which account for 64% of the companies created in the country. The units of observation will be the entrepreneurs of the state of São Paulo. It is expected that the results will allow theoretical and empirical contributions. In the theoretical realm, by shedding light on reflections derived from the association between immersion and social structures. In the empirical context, by providing subsidies capable of fostering the development of entrepreneurial training programs, especially those developed by entities that support and train businesses.
Document establishing guidelines and rules for the safe and efficient operation of the Laboratory.
Download the Internal Regulations of the Laboratory PDF
Phone: (11) 5586-4040
Address: Rua Doutor Bacelar, 1212 - 4th floor - Mirandópolis - São Paulo/SP - ZIP Code: 04026-002